philosophy QUOTES

“Being ‘YOU’ is an absolute power that only you possess. Have faith in yourself and give your best shot to life everyday.”
– Mubarak Sandhu

“The best use of knowledge is to share it with the aspiring minds and motivate them to reach for their dreams” – Anamika Mishra

“If there’s a 1 percent chance that something will happen, then have hope. Expect as much as you can, and it will happen.”
– Akhin Abraham

“It is not what you get, but what you make out of what you get determines your destiny” – Chetan Bansal

“Neither time, nor space; no force exists, that can separate what is destined to come your way.” – Sayed H Fatimi

“Do not get discouraged in the faced of many disappointments but let the experience fuel your determination to persevere until you prevail.”
– Lailah Gifty Akita

“You’ll never have what you want, if you don’t want what you have”
– Claire Wineland

“It’s dark out there, the path is not clear, but there’s nothin’ to fear,
There’s a spark glowin’ from within that’ll never ever disappear.”
– Patrick Cruz

“Your mind believes everything you feed it. Nourish it with hope, belief and love” – Karen Gibbs

“The first time you make a sale in a new business, no matter the amount, it’s a very big deal.” – Chris Guillebeau

“That’s what accountability really is—fulfilling a promise to ourselves.”
– Steve Pemberton

“There is so much inequity that all women need to be activists in their own way.” – Jane Finette

“Everything is learnable, and what others have learned, you can learn as well.” – Brian Tracy

“It doesn’t always take an army to save the world. Sometimes it takes just one person who won’t let evil win.” – Mary E. Pearson